Big Ears: Providing Australia with Warehouse Supplies

Astron Plastics

Astron Plastics
6 Brooks Rd, Ingleburn, NSW 2565
Phone Number:

02 9829 1999
03 9559 4270
07 3248 5600

Astron Plastics Slipsheets trim distribution costs

Slipsheets can replace traditional wooden and plastic pallets in the handling of unitised products, stripping substantial cost out of the distribution chain.

These durable, flexible polyethylene sheets cost only about 10% as much as pallets. An Australian food company has recorded a saving of $300,000 per year on pallet costs alone when they switched to slipsheets!

Astron Plastics also offers an attractive rebate scheme for key customers.

Beyond the direct savings, slipsheets save an average of 15% in container space and reduces weight by almost half a tonne per container. This allows users to ship significantly more product in the same size truck or container, which brings further cost efficiencies.

And, to close the environmental loop, when your shipment arrives at any destination in South-East Asia, the slipsheets can be re-used or Astron Plastics can retrieve and recycle them!

Working with Slipsheets

Slipsheets are used in conjunction with a push-pull unit which can be retrofitted to a standard forklift within minutes. A company moving over five container loads of palletized goods per month can quickly recoup the capital investment and make great savings by moving to slipsheets.

Product is stacked on the slipsheets exactly as on pallets. To on-load, the push-pull unit clamps the edge of the loaded sheet and drags it onto a metal plate fixed to the fork-lift. To off-load, the unit gently pushes the sheet and product, while the forklift backs away, so the loaded slipsheet slides off in place.

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